Residential plumbing services

CCTV & Locating Services

CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) and locating services in the context of plumbing refer to technologies and techniques used to inspect and locate issues within underground or concealed pipes, sewer lines, and other conduits. These services are valuable for identifying blockages, leaks, structural issues, and other problems without the need for extensive excavation.

CCTV Inspection Services

Camera Inspection: Specialised CCTV cameras are used to inspect the interior of pipes and sewer lines. These cameras are attached to flexible cables that can be fed into the pipes. The real-time footage captured by the cameras allows technicians to visually assess the condition of the pipes.

Remote Monitoring: CCTV systems often include remote monitoring capabilities, enabling technicians to view the live feed from the inspection camera. This allows for immediate analysis of the pipe's condition and identification of any issues.

Recording and Documentation: The CCTV inspection process is typically recorded, creating a visual record of the pipe's interior. This recorded footage can be used for documentation, analysis, and sharing information with clients or regulatory authorities.

Diagnosis of Issues: CCTV inspections help diagnose various issues within pipes, such as blockages, cracks, corrosion, root intrusions, and other structural defects. The visual information obtained guides the planning of necessary repairs or maintenance.

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Locating Services

Electromagnetic Locators: Electromagnetic locators are used to trace and locate metallic pipes and utility lines. These devices can detect the electromagnetic signals emitted by metal pipes, helping technicians map the underground infrastructure.

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): GPR technology uses radar pulses to image the subsurface, providing information about the location and depth of various materials, including pipes and utilities. GPR is particularly useful for non-metallic pipe detection.

Radio Frequency (RF) Locators: RF locators are employed to locate non-metallic pipes and utilities by detecting radio frequency signals transmitted through specialised transmitters attached to or inserted into the pipes. This is effective for tracing plastic or PVC pipes.

By pinpointing the location and nature of plumbing issues accurately, technicians can implement cost-effective and targeted solutions, minimising disruption and expenses. CCTV and locating services are essential tools in modern plumbing practices, providing a comprehensive and accurate means of assessing and addressing issues within underground plumbing systems.

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